Are Veneers Permanent?

Looking to get veneers in Forest Lake? Well, if you’re like most people, you’re probably wondering how long the results will last.

The lifespan of veneers is a tricky topic since it doesn’t exactly have a straight answer. It depends on how well you can take care of your results. At the same time, veneers are considered a permanent procedure because it’s irreversible.

If you’re having trouble making sense of these two ideas, keep reading this short article to learn more.

How Do Veneers Work?

Veneers are thin layers of porcelain that get bonded to the natural tooth to change their appearance. Most quality veneers are made from porcelain, though you can find more affordable ones made from composite.

Either way, veneers are custom-made to cover the front of the individual tooth, allowing them to address both minor and major cosmetic concerns, such as:

  • Severe staining and discoloration
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Irregularly sized teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Uneven teeth
  • Minor tooth alignment issues
  • Worn-down or translucent teeth
  • Minor chips or cracks, etc.

Why Are Veneers Irreversible?

To get veneers, a dentist will shave a small amount of tooth enamel to create a rough texture, which allows these thin shells to bond with your teeth and stay in place.

While the amount of enamel removed is small and will not lead to any changes in your tooth structure, it is a permanent process. Tooth enamel doesn’t grow back, so getting veneers is a lifelong commitment.

If they break or you want to change your smile’s appearance again, you will need to get them replaced as soon as possible.

How Long Do Veneers Actually Last?

Veneers are rather strong and allow patients to gain the full function of their smile. Unfortunately, they don’t last forever and can crack, chip, and even lose their shine over time.

With the right care, your results can last anywhere between 10-15 years before you’ll need to get new veneers. There may be patients who could keep their original veneers for even longer than that.

To maintain your veneers, you’ll need to make some minor lifestyle adjustments which include:

  • Brush and floss your teeth daily
  • Preferably, brush your teeth after every meal
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Use a whitening toothpaste from time to time
  • Avoid highly staining foods and drinks (pasta sauces, blueberries, coffee, tea, etc.)
  • Don’t chew on hard objects or open packages with your teeth
  • Avoid hard, sticky, and chewy foods as much as possible
  • Don’t smoke
  • Get routine dental cleanings and check-ups around every six months 

How Forest Lake Smiles Can Help

Learn if you’re a good candidate for veneers by seeing Dr. Jonathan Siverson for a short consultation.

To get started, request a visit to Forest Lake Smiles online, and stop by to begin your journey toward a picture-perfect smile!

For more information, call us at (651) 464-8207 today!

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